Rules, Conditions and Responsibilities
- Crop Availability: I accept the effects of weather conditions, and other agricultural production challenges, on the variety and quantity of crops at different times in the season. I accept I may not have what I want, or as much of it as I want, at certain times of the year. I will not blame Good Tree Farm should such a situation occur. Natural disasters, like Hurricanes and record rainfall, may also wipe out a whole season; in which case I willingly accept to wait until the next harvest or season starts to order crops.
- Payment and Ordering Waiting Period: I accept that I have to wait ten weeks (70 days) before submitting my CSA orders and have my CSA discount apply. I understand that new CSA members requires planting new crops which will take time before reaching harvest stage and that I have to wait for that reason. I understand that I can order against my balance before the ten week mark but without my CSA discount applying.
- Ordering Deadlines: I understand that there is an ordering deadline which I have to accept if I become a CSA discount club member. I accept that if my order is received after the deadline it will not be fulfilled that week and a new order has to be submitted the following week.
- Uncollected Order: I accept that any order I submit and is harvested by Good Tree Farm and prepared for me to pick up will count against my balance - whether I pick it up or not.
- Shipping & Delivery Dates: I understand that delivery will be via the US Postal Service and, as such, is not in the control of Good Tree Farm. I will accept an order-delivery period that is slightly longer than the 1-2 days promised by US Postal Service. I also understand that I have the option of paying extra to guarantee delivery date and quality of items I order shipped.
- Pick up Times at the farm: Pick up of CSA customer orders at the farm will be restricted to the designated days and hours for each CSA season. If weather conditions (like heavy storms or hurricanes) or other unforeseen emergencies prevent/delay delivery or pick up, I will be notified by Good Tree Farm via email/facebook/twitter only, but not with phone calls. I understand that, should bad weather prevail, it is my responsibility to confirm my ability to pick up my order at the farm before driving out.
- Refunds: I accept that refunds will occur only in the period April 1 - June 30 of each year, and will be limited to 75% of the funds paid for CSA membership. I acknowledge that I am responsible to order as long as crops and products are available. Refund is for funds originally paid to Good Tree Farm only, and no promotion or gift credit given by Good Tree Farm can be included in the refund as it is meant to be collected in produce/product value and only after original value of CSA membership is used up.
- Communication: I agree to provide Good Tree Farm with an email that I frequently check and agree that communication will be 1) via email, 2) via the CSA members’ corner on the farm’s website, 3) the farm’s Facebook page and/or 4) twitter messages. Due to time restrictions of the small staff, no phone call communication on the part of Good Tree Farm is possible - and I accept that.
- Ethics and Fairness Pledge:
- I pledge not to blame Good Tree Farm for bad weather or its effects on their ability to harvest.
- I pledge not to expect/demand to pick up my CSA order outside the season-specific pick up times.
- I pledge not to violate this contract, or make demands outside what the rights this contract guarantees me.
- Crop Availability: We will endeavor to provide the widest variety of crops to our customers and carry out any production practices that protect our crops from the negative effects of bad weather, insects and diseases.
- Ordering Deadlines: We will make sure to collect all orders only after the ordering deadline has passed. All orders will be processed, packed and shipped the next morning without delay.
- Delivery Dates: We will ensure all orders are picked up by the US Postal Service the day they are supposed to go out in order to guarantee the highest possible chance they will be delivered early and in good condition.
- Pick up Times at the farm: The farm will be open for order pick up on the designated days and we will diligently manage prompt updating of status to ensure good and clear communication with all customers regarding possible farm closure due to weather or other factors.
- Refunds: Any customer requesting a refund will be refunded in accordance with the refund terms stated above. All refunds will be issued as soon as possible in the period April 1 to June 30.
- Communication: We will communicate as regularly as possible with all customers via email, our website’s CSA members’ corner, and our page on Facebook. This will occur at least once a week and possibly 2-3 times per week - as work load permits.
- Ethics and Fairness Pledge:
- We pledge to do our utmost to negate negative effects of bad weather and to attempt to harvest even in the most difficult conditions.
- We pledge to always facilitate CSA order pick up within the season-specific pick up times.
- We pledge to uphold all articles in this contract and treat all our customers respectfully.
By proceeding with this online order, I affirm and confirm that I have read and accept all the above rules and conditions.