Our soils are light soils that are very suited to producing vegetables and field fruits (such as tomatoes, eggplants, strawberries and watermelon). Though very well suited to the type of crops we are cultivating, we are constantly working to increase the fertility levels and organic matter content of our soils. We use compost, nitrogen-fixing cover crops, and other organic soil amendments accepted by the National Organic Program (NOP) to raise the fertility of our soils. Gradually, we hope to move completely away from soil tillage and practice permaculture and no-till farming 100% of the time.
Good Tree Farm believes that the soil is one of the most important natural resources a farming enterprise has. This one factor can have the greatest impact on the quality and quantity of the food produced on a farm. We strive to create a "living" soil. By this we mean that a healthy soil that is cultivated according to organic principles of soil stewardship will be full of micro flora and micro fauna.
Micro-flora of a soil refers to the bacterial and fungal populations that live and thrive in the "living" soil. These micro-organisms are very negatively affected by modern conventional agricultural practices that employ the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and other industrially synthesized chemical soil amendments. Their loss negatively impacts the taste and health benefits of the plants we eat.
Micro-fauna of a soil refers to the populations of very small insects and single celled organisms found in the "living" soil. These organisms are also negatively impacted by the practices of modern conventional agriculture. Loss of the soil's micro fauna also negatively impacts the taste and health benefits of the plants we eat.